30in X 40in ORIGINAL oil painting on steel.
This painting is not framed, but hangs easily on two nails. It has a wire hanger on the back.
This painting is painted on steel and weighs about 20 lbs.
This is a painting was inspired by vintage football cards. It is my realization that some things are nearly impossible because of how you were born. I am the girliest girl ever but would love to play football. Not for the physical part of it but for the mental part of it.
After peeling down the entire onion of Karen Ann Jones, what I found was ‘Karen the painter.’ The same person I was when I was 5. I never changed, I only left who I was for a while. I paint because that is who I am. Being my most authentic me is my true integrity.
My goal in my work is to express my optimistic, happy, in love with life, quirky, deep, intimate and passionate perspective of life.
I choose my painting by recreating a visual of the feelings I am having at that moment. I get to spend personal time with that passionate feeling that I long to experience. This is probably why I don’t paint a painting in one day. I want to linger in that relationship.